You have come this far guided by your soul and I want to congratulate you for being on this beautiful journey of healing, awakening and ascension. In private sessions you receive support and guidance to help you access and awaken your infinite potential. As a facilitator, I create a safe and sacred space for you to journey into areas of your life where you may be feeling out of balance or challenged. Through my intuitive abilities and with the help of my Mentors, the Star Tribe and the Angelic Realm, we can access specific frequencies to help you come into Divine alignment with the highest layers of your Being.

How Does It Work?
I work with the Language of Light combined with Sound Alchemy, which is a healing modality that balances, restores and stimulates totality. Activates vibrational resonance (when a higher and a lower frequency of vibration come into Divine alignment, the lower frequency is guided to align with the higher to create harmonic resonance, restoring the state of wholeness) and bringing us to higher levels of consciousness by connecting with the spiritual realms.
The human energy field and DNA contain information and miasms (old discordant energy patterns). These miasms from deep within the cells are unblocked and released through an infusion of sonic vibrations of vocal alchemy (toning, tone harmonics, and light language transmissions).
The sessions are divided into two parts: First we talk to identify everything that needs to be addressed during the session and I use my oracles that form a bridge of connection with your Higher Self and bring the appropriate messages for your moment. Then we move on to the session where, in addition to Sound Alchemy and Light Language Activations, I can also use specific exercises to dissolve old energies.
During the session, I call upon the assistance of my Mentors from the angelic realm, stellar/galactic beings, and earth elementals, as well as your own high vibrational spiritual hierarchy to help you feel nourished and safe. They communicate through me in the Language of Light and help me bring the healing frequencies and activations necessary for profound transformation.

* Support us through our ascension journey
* Aligns you with the best version of yourself and timeline
* Awakens knowledge of the soul
* Assists in the multidimensional integration of the Being
* Strengthens the immune system
* Relieves stress and restores us to health
* Balances mood, reducing anxiety and depression
* Calms an overactive mind
* Dissolves blocked energy and restores Qi flow
* Balances and aligns the Chakra system and much more!

Light Language transmissions brings ourselves into alignment with higher dimensional consciousness and help us ground into New Earth frequencies.

YES! I want to schedule a session.
Choose a payment method below, than send an e-mail to:
to schedule your meeting.
The session duration is about an hour and can be scheduled between 11am and 6pm (New York time). The platform used is Zoom. One hour before the session, I will send you the link to access the virtual room. After the session you will receive the link to download the recording of the meeting.